
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Exercise, the best anti-depressant...

Exercise, the best anti-depressant...


Chiropractic is the study of health and what...

Chiropractic is the study of health and what...


Monday, January 13, 2014

How To Deal With Stress, Anxiety And Worry

How To Deal With Stress, Anxiety And Worry

In the second extract from the This Book Will Make You ... series as part of our Say No To January campaign, Dr Jessamy Hibberd and Jo Usmar show you how to remain calm in the face of great stress and anxiety ... Everyone experiences stress , anxiety and worry in life. It’s totally natural. The hunched shoulders, thumping heart and thoughts like ‘I can’t do this’ leading to elaborate avoidance tactics or a shouting match with your boss. We’re constantly putting ourselves under...Read More

What causes radiating pain?

What causes radiating pain?

Radicular pain, or radiating pain, is caused by interference or pinching of the spinal nerves. This results in pain, tingling, or numbness in parts of your body far from the actual source of the problem. If your spine is injured, there are a number of things that can affect the nerves and cause pain. Injured ligaments and muscles can cause inflammation of the nerve root, which can disrupt the function of the nerve. If a spinal disk is damaged, it can cause the disk to bulge or herniate, pinching the nerve. And if the spinal joints begin to calcify, it can cause spinal stenosis, or a narrowing of the canal that the spinal nerves pass through. All this can lead to a number of conditions such as sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome,...Read More

Why You Should Walk (Hint: Not for the Exercise)

Why You Should Walk (Hint: Not for the Exercise)

A few years ago, I was having my annual physical when my physician made one of those squinched-up faces that sets off alarm bells. When you see a doctor with that expression, you know you have something big: cancer, a brain tumor, an erratic heart rate, whatever. (To be fair, my doctor looks like an elf anyway, so this is close to his natural expression. If he weren't hammering knees and producing reflexes, my doctor would be hammering together toys in a workshop.) "Your blood pressure...Read More

Golf & Your Back

Golf & Your Back


Are you or someone you know expecting? Please...

Are you or someone you know expecting? Please...

Are you or someone you know expecting? Please share if they could use any or all of these benefits!

Take Charge

Instead of just reacting to illness, take responsibility for your wellness.

Take Charge

Instead of just reacting to illness, take responsibility for your wellness. We can help you create a healthy lifestyle.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

10 Reasons You Should Try Walking for...

10 Reasons You Should Try Walking for...

A year ago, I sold my car and committed to walking to work. Most weekdays, I walked a little under three miles to my office in downtown Austin. I encourage others who live within a reasonable walking distance from their offices to give it a try. I've never been a huge fan of exercise. I figured if I did something extreme, like selling my car, I could reduce my carbon footprint while getting healthy and saving money. In 2013, I channeled my inner Forrest Gump and logged over 500 miles....Read More

What is Chiropractic?

Great explanation of chiropractic and how spinal adjustments positively influence health!

What is Chiropractic?


Friday, January 10, 2014

To ensure that this is your best year ever,...

To ensure that this is your best year ever,...


Best Gym Exercise Tips For Beginners

Best Gym Exercise Tips For Beginners

If you're a beginner, the gym can be a terrifying place, fraught with its own social etiquette, not to mention the paranoia that everyone is looking at you, and wondering if you're actually doing the exercises correctly. HuffPost UK Lifestyle asked some of the UK's top fitness experts and personal trainers to tell us what their tips were for starting out. It's important to get it right so that you continue to keep going beyond January (and don't subsequently regret that expensive...Read More

Make Room for Wellness

You have to make the space in your life for health and wellness.

Make Room for Wellness

You have to make the space in your life for health and wellness.

Your spine is BIG for your health!

Your spine is BIG for your health!

Think of your spine and it's related nerves as the switchboard for internal communications. Vitally important!

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Interview With a Meal Planner

Interview With a Meal Planner

Let me start by saying, I hate meal planning. Sure, I'm a dietitian/nutritionist and the common perception is that I "should" love planning healthy meals, shopping and stocking my house with all the right stuff. But I truthfully hate it. When I analyze why I am so against planning, it's really two main reasons, 1) It feels like a time-sucking chore, and 2) Whenever I plan in advance for the week I never actually feel like eating what I planned and purchased. I feel locked in and stuck. ...Read More

Choose Chiropractic

​Do you know anyone who made a resolution for better health? Please share this with them!

Choose Chiropractic

Do you know anyone who made a resolution for better health? Please share this with them!

How The Snooze Button Affects Your Sleep

How The Snooze Button Affects Your Sleep

By Robert Rosenberg, DO I am often asked by my patients if it is okay to keep hitting the snooze button for those extra zzzz’s. They want to know if it is beneficial or detrimental. My answer is: Ask yourself why do you need to do that, and does it really make you feel better? In reality, it may not only be a sign of inadequate or poor quality sleep, but it can make functioning during the day even more difficult. In many instances, you may be suffering from what we call...Read More

Chiropractic cranial correction for children

I have been doing cranial adjusting on children for years with very good results!!

Chiropractic cranial correction for children


Now Is Not the Time to Diet

Now Is Not the Time to Diet

For most of us, it's day seven of the diet. You know, the big, life-changing one where you vow to quit sugar/drop three dress sizes/excavate your abdominals. This year will be different, you tell yourself. It has to be. And yet by the time February 1st rolls around, you've succumbed to the Mini Eggs, the two-for-one Pinot Grigio and the packet of Percy Pigs that were winking at you in the self-service queue at M S. But here's a thought. Don't diet. Not now. January is...Read More

Spinal Adjustments Relieve Muscle Pain Instantly

Spinal Adjustments Relieve Muscle Pain Instantly

Your myofascial tissues are what enclose and separate the layers of muscle in your body. Chronic myofascial pain is a common pain condition, and its prevalence is growing. Among middle-aged people, myofascial pain affects around 37% of men and 65% of women, but among the elderly, those numbers jump to 85% for the combined gender groups. Because the elderly population is expected to double before 2040, chronic myofascial pain is likely going to be a major challenge for health-care into the future. Chiropractors have long used spinal adjustments as a means to manage musculoskeletal disorders and pain, including chronic myofascial pain. Many report the benefits among their patients receiving spinal therapy. But how and why does...Read More

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Boost Fertility: 10 Habits To Break If You Want...

Boost Fertility: 10 Habits To Break If You Want...

If you're looking for ways to boost fertility in 2014, you may be surprised how some of your habits may be getting in the way. We all know poor health choices can lead to difficult pregnancy experiences, but some experts say there are a few little-known improvements you can also make. "For couples trying to conceive, making some changes for the new year can have a huge impact,” said Dr. Edward Marut of Fertility Centers of Illinois in a statement. Marut says simple things...Read More

The Doctor of the Future

The Doctor of the Future

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." Thomas Edison

Friday, January 03, 2014

Which road are you on?

Which road are you on?

Don't just hope for good health. 2014 is the year to take action. Regular Chiropractic adjustments keep you more flexible, prevent injuries, helps your immune system function at it's optimum and facilitates a better connection between your brain and body.  Don't wait until the road gets bumpy to do something about your health.  Call your chiropractor and get on a regular schedule for better health.

Eat An Orange

Lots of us start new fitness plans each new year. Try this out before your next workout!

Eat An Orange

Lots of us start new fitness plans each new year. Try this out before your next workout!

Thursday, January 02, 2014

May 2014 be your BEST yet!

May 2014 be your BEST yet!


2014 Push-up Challenge

2014 Push-up Challenge

Take the challenge this year!  Can you do 50 or 100 push-ups per day?  It is easier than you think.  Track your progress on line or download the app to your phone.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

The Science Behind Successful New Year's...

The Science Behind Successful New Year's...

Even though the new year can be exciting and full of possibility, it can also be pretty stressful. You might be saying things like, "Why don't any of my pants fit?!" or "How am I still in this horrible job?!" Enter the New Year's resolution. About 45 percent of Americans make them . We imagine ourselves in that new job or smaller pants size. It's exhilarating. The good news: A Journal of Clinical Psychology study found that people who make resolutions are 10 times more likely...Read More