
Sunday, May 28, 2006

Aspartame Poisoning?

One of the most widely used artificial sweetners is aspartame. Aspartame is also known by the names Equal and Nutrasweet. By looking at the ingredients of what makes up aspartame, there doesn't appear to be any cause for alarm. Aspartame is made from different amino acids. With the addition of Methanol. The problem is the methanol. Methanol is wood alcohol and is known to be poisonous. When Methanol is exposed to heat, it breaksdown into formaldehyde, a known carcinogen. Use of aspartame has been linked in individuals to headaches, dizziness, muscle spasms, seizures, nausea and cramping. Persons who suffer from respiratory problems may also have difficulties with aspartame.

Thought for the Week: "The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer everybody else up."-----Mark Twain

Chiropractic Tip of the Week: " now know that chiropractic care is not just for back pain, but it is for total health care. If more people would come to realize this, I feel we would have a much healthier, drug-free and pain-free world."
---Kendra -Taylorsville, NC

Waxy Fruits

Most fruits and vegetables are treated with a layer of wax. The wax's purpose is to make the fruit appear more appetizing and also act as a preservative for shipping long distances. It is very important to realize that two types of waxes are used. One type of wax is for fruits and vegetables with edible skins. The other wax is for fruits and vegetables with unedible skins. The FDA says that the edible fruit wax is "generally recognized as safe." ( I wonder what generally means?) While the other wax does not meet the same standard and may contain carcinogenic chemicals. The main fact about fruit and vegetable wax, is the wax traps pesticides on the skin of the fruit. Fruits and vegetables need to be thoroughly washed with soapy water at temperatures high enough to melt the wax. It is much easier to purchase organic, unwaxed fruit.

Thought for the Week: "According to the World Health Organization, 88% of all people had at least one health problem with a prescription drug."

Chiropractic Tip of the Week: According to a study at the Psychoeducational & Guidance Services of College Station, Texas, chiropractic care was deemed 20-40% more effective than medication concerning the treatment of children diagnosed with hyperactivity.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Grape Juice Is Just As Good As Wine

Do you want the healthy benefits of red wine, but none of the delirious effects? Try Red Grape Juice. Fresh, unsweetened, organic grape juice is a terrific health tonic. The potassium in red grape juice is great for blood pressure levels. Red grape juice contains phytochemicals that help fight viruses and is also antibacterial in nature. Recent medical school research has even shown that grape juice has anti-clotting effects stronger than aspirin, not to mention much safer. This anti-clotting effect is helpful to the heart and arteries. I don't think anyone has ever died from drinking grape juice, which definitely cannot be said of aspirin. One last benefit is that the juice from unsweetened grapes has even been shown to statistically lower the risk of tooth decay.

Thought for the Week: "Nothing will ever be attempted, if all possible objections must first be overcome."- Samuel Johnson

Chiropractic Tip of the Week: "Motion placed on the spinal joints by the chiropracic adjustment, reduces friction on the spinal bones reducing the effects of wear and tear, slowing down normal degeneration associated with aging. Regular (1-2 x per month) wellness adjustments help to keep the spinal bones and you healthy."

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Toxicity...The Cause of Disease

Chemical stress is one of the leading causes of disease in the industrial world. Chemicals that make there way into our body from the environment, drugs, food, tobacco and excessive alcohol are absorbed into our bloodstream and fat cells where they stay to damage our health, leading to diseases such as cancer. These toxins are also the primary cause of liver damage. The sad truth, is that other than environmental toxins, we as people are directly responsible for what we put into our bodies. Therefore, we are directly responsible for our health. It is vitally important to read labels on foods, avoiding foods high in preservatives and artificial ingredients. Over-the-counter drugs need to be eliminated from daily use. Smoking and or other tobacco use is a no-brainer. Smoking by itself is responsible for more death than any other single chemical ever ingested. To help rid your body of chemical toxins, think about periodic fasting. When the liver, kidneys and bloodstream are cleaned up, the body is better able to rid itself of toxins.

Thought for the Week: "We never know how far-reaching something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow." BJ Palmer, D.C.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Strong Bones

Strong bones are associated with calcium, but calcium is not the only ingredient required for healthy bone density. Vitamin D increases calcium absorption in bones. 700-800 units of vitamin D daily has been shown to cut the risk of hip fractures in women by 26%. Besides supplements, our body gets most of its vitamin D from the sun. High amounts of animal fats can weaken bones and a Penn State study proved that bones were less dense in people who had a diet high in meats and dairy. Fruits, like bananas and cantaloupe, contain potassium. Potassium helps to keep more calcium in the body, strengthening bones. Vitamin B12 has also been shown to maintain bone density levels. Two very important tips: A diet high in salt is bad for the bones and reduces bone density. Drinking cola and other soft drinks has also been linked to loss of bone density.

Thought for the Week: "If you rush to take a new drug, do so with the full knowledge that you are being a guinea pig. The longer a drug is on the market, the more will be known about the side effects." ----Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.