
Thursday, January 07, 2010

Sea Salt

Sea salt is obtained from the evaporation of seawater. Due to mineral content, sea salt has a slightly different taste than table salt, and is primarily used in cooking and cosmetics. Table salt, also known as sodium chloride, is mined rock salt. The main difference between sea salt and table salt is the mineral content. Sea salt contains the essential minerals, magnesium, sulfate, calcium and potassium. Table salt is refined, which means it has been stripped of its nutritional value. Interestingly enough, once table salt has been refined, iodine is added to the finished product. Iodine is an essential mineral that is absent in salt and is an important part of healthy thyroid function. The other main difference between sea salt and table salt is that many "gourmet" chefs and ordinary people feel that sea salt adds a much better taste to their food preparations. In general, salt has been vilified as a contributor to heart disease, but in reality, salt is vitally important for health. Salt is an electrolyte, a mineral that helps muscles to contract and also helps to balance sugar levels in the body. Salt clears mucous from the lungs. In addition, salt contributes to the absorption of food during the digestive process. Salt is an important part of the nervous system, as it helps with nerve cell communication and removes acidity from brain cells. Salt is even effective at stabilizing an irregular heart beat. As mentioned previously, a high salt intake has been linked to heart disease, as high salt intake can raise blood pressure levels. Recent research states that it may not actually be the salt itself that contributes to heart disease, but the many foods that the salt is added to. For instance, most junk foods contain salt, but junk food also contains trans-fats and other chemicals that have been shown to cause heart disease. Also, junk food adds a large amount of calories to the diet, contributing to obesity, which is a major factor in heart disease. If high blood pressure is a concern, switch to sea salt, as it has been reported that sea salt is 60% lower in sodium than table salt.

Thought for the Week: "The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea." ~Isak Dinesen

Chiropractic Thought for the Week: A study was conducted late last year by doctors at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in the United Kingdom, to determine if chiropractic care had any benefit for colicky infants. By the 7th day of the short-term trial study, crying was significantly reduced, about 2 hours per day. By the 14th day of the trial, the reduction in crying was even more pronounced. Four weeks after the completion of the study, colic symptoms disappeared in 82% of the infants undergoing the chiropractic care.

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