
Monday, November 30, 2015

If you sit at an office, you should watch this...

With so many of today's workforce sitting in chairs all day, this video could save some lives.

If you sit at an office, you should watch this...

With so many of today's workforce sitting in chairs all day, this video could save some lives.

Don't Cover The Pain - Correct It.

When your spine is not aligned, your muscles have to bear the extra load and will become tight, painful, and inflamed. Don't cover your pain, have the cause adjusted.

Don't Cover The Pain - Correct It.

When your spine is not aligned, your muscles have to bear the extra load and will become tight, painful, and inflamed. Don't cover your pain, have the cause adjusted.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Chiropractic Thought for the Week:  Women who receive chiropractic care during pregnancy report easier and faster deliveries. Many chiropractors are also specially trained in the Webster Pregnancy Technique. This hands-on technique helps to reduce uterine torsion and relax the round ligament while at the same time aligning the pelvic bones for a safe, less painful delivery. No one likes to be in pain, pain can also cause a great deal of anxiety and stress, neither of which are good for mom or baby. Getting adjusted regularly while pregnant can help ease or eliminate pain and make the process of having a baby much easier.

I’m on Facebook!!  Search Health First Chiropractic Clinics, Dr. J. Zimmerman.  “LIKE” my page for up-to-date office info, health news and a different perspective on healthy living.  I’m also on Twitter at DocJZimmerman.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Get Out Of Your Fitness Rut

​Are you ever reluctant to try something because you think you wouldn't be good at it? Break out of your fitness rut and try something new and fun. Everybody was a beginner at some point.

Get Out Of Your Fitness Rut

Are you ever reluctant to try something because you think you wouldn't be good at it? Break out of your fitness rut and try something new and fun. Everybody was a beginner at some point.

Thankful and Blessed

​Wishing you blessings and abundance on Thanksgiving.

Thankful and Blessed

Wishing you blessings and abundance on Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Fitness Kingdom

​"Good nutrition and exercise improve the function of the whole body in every way." Lauren Thomas

Fitness Kingdom

"Good nutrition and exercise improve the function of the whole body in every way." Lauren Thomas

Fight Disease

A healthy diet is among the best weapons you have to fight disease.

Fight Disease

A healthy diet is among the best weapons you have to fight disease.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

 “Disc degeneration actually does not cause back pain. That's been well-documentedThe success rate of the spinal fusion for back pain was about 24 percent, but we still kept doing it. Then, in 1994, research was presented showing that the return-to-work rate one year after a spinal fusion for back pain was 15 percent, I just stopped performing fusion surgeries. Every paper since then has showed pretty much the same dismal results; there's maybe a 20 to 25 percent success rate of spinal fusion for back pain...And the downside of a failed spine surgery is terrible. It's really bad. These people are condemned to live their entire lifetime, 30 to 40 more years, in chronic pain." ~ Dr. Donald Hanscom, Orthopedic Surgeon  (My plug to try chiropractic first ~ Dr. J)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Keep Moving

After an #illness or #injury it may be tempting to rest...forever. But Keep Moving to get #BackInTheGame

Keep Moving

After an #illness or #injury it may be tempting to rest...forever. But Keep Moving to get #BackInTheGame

Sleep 8 Hours A Night

After oxygen, sleep is your next greatest need. You can live longer without water or food. Read More:

Sleep 8 Hours A Night

After oxygen, sleep is your next greatest need. You can live longer without water or food. Read More:

Monday, November 16, 2015

Just Start

Starting slow is still a start.

Just Start

Starting slow is still a start.

It's About Your Health

​By specializing in the care of your spine, which includes knowledge of the bones, muscles, and spinal cord, chiropractors influence the system that runs all other systems of your body.

It's About Your Health

By specializing in the care of your spine, which includes knowledge of the bones, muscles, and spinal cord, chiropractors influence the system that runs all other systems of your body.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Dr. J’s Health Tip of the Week: A very popular brand of weed killer that is found in every hardware store, and garden and farm supply store is “Round-up.” Scientists have said for years that not only are the active chemicals contained in Round-Up dangerous to the environment (as it pollutes and contaminates our soil and vegetation, but it is also harmful to humans. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) determined glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, to be a “probable carcinogen” in early 2015. Recently, the brands manufacturer, Monsanto has been hit with a growing number of lawsuits alleging they long knew that Roundup’s glyphosate could harm human health. In addition, multiple agricultural workers have filed suit against Monsanto alleging their cancer was caused by exposure to Roundup. When round-up is sprayed on a weed area, the toxic chemical is absorbed into the soil (which it then ends up in our ground water supply), killing weeds, but also being absorbed by the plants and vegetables around the weeds that it does not kill. Humans are then eating produce that has been contaminated by the chemicals in Round-up (or any other weed killer for that matter). If you think you have heard the name Monsanto in the news a lot lately, you have. Monsanto is the biggest manufacturer of genetically modified organisms (GMO) such as corn and soybeans. Two staple ingredients found in almost all of our processed food products. GMO food has had very little research performed on its safety and how it interacts with the body’s health. In fact, early studies (performed in other countries, with neutral non – Monsanto scientists) are finding that GMO food may indeed be harmful to the body and at the very least, all food products should be labeled that they contain GMO food. Even Donald Trump has an understanding that GMO food may be harmful, he explained rival candidate Ben Carson’s rise in popularity in Iowa with the following social media tweet: Too much #Monsanto in the #corn creates issues in the brain? #Trump #GOP.'” The main issue is that if GMO food may be harmful to the body, shouldn’t we the consumers know if the food we eat contains GMO food? In some European countries, it is the law that if a food contains GMO crops, the product must be labeled as such, giving consumers a choice as to whether they would want to purchase that product. Not so here in the USA, as Monsanto and other food biotech companies has spent millions and millions of their dollars lobbying politicians to defeat any and all GMO proposed labeling laws. And sadly, their money has been well spent, as a recent bill, HR1599 was passed in the House of Representatives stating that individual states cannot have their own GMO labeling laws (like the one California just passed). In addition, the new law would allow food manufacturers the right to label GMO food as “natural.” In an ironic twist, adding insult to injury, bill HR 1599 also requires a federal certification to be obtained and purchased for all food companies that do not use GMO food products and that want to put a “NON GMO FOOD” label on their product. This bill, HR 1599, is commonly referred to as the “Deny American’s the Right to Know Act.” HR 1599 still has to pass through the US Senate before this bill can become a law. If enough American’s contact their senators, the bill may be able to be defeated. Call your United States Senator and let them know that you are against bill HR 1599. Let them know that this is an attack on consumer and state’s rights and that you want the senator to protect you and your family from this violation. If you do not know who your senator is or how to reach them call this number (Capital switchboard) and they will contact you with your senator’s office.

Thought for the Week: “There can be no change with no action.”

Chiropractic Thought for the Week: In the chiropractic profession, chiropractors spend a lot of time extolling the health benefits of regular chiropractic care. Benefits such as optimal immune system function and increased bodily performance. Sometimes, chiropractors forget to mention the obvious facts. Facts like back pain and neck pain. If spinal bones are not in the proper joint alignment, muscles can become stretched and imbalanced, nerves can be irritated and then symptoms appear. Symptoms such as neck pain or back pain. The symptoms can be immediate (as in after a trauma, strain or accident) or the symptoms may appear gradually due to accumulation of lifestyle stresses. The bottom line is that the chiropractor should be your first choice for neck or back pain related conditions. Chiropractic care is extremely conservative (no drugs) and has a very high patient satisfaction rate. In addition, chiropractic adjustments, performed by chiropractors is very safe. It is the best thing to do.

My name is Dr. J. Zimmerman and I am a chiropractor.  I have been in practice for 27 years.  My chiropractic practice uses many different chiropractic techniques to improve bodily function and restore health. My chiropractic office is located in Galloway Township (the Smithville section) of Atlantic County, NJ.  You can contact me for more chiropractic information at Health First Chiropractic Clinics,  609-652-6363

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Swap Out Starches

Replace empty carbs with vegetables like squash, kale and cauliflower for added nutrition. More tips in our 1º of Change Cookbook. >>

Swap Out Starches

Replace empty carbs with vegetables like squash, kale and cauliflower for added nutrition. More tips in our 1º of Change Cookbook. >>

Innate: The Biggest Secret in Chiropractic »...

Innate: The Biggest Secret in Chiropractic » Enhanced Performance Chiropractic, LLC

Innate: The Biggest Secret in Chiropractic »...

Have you ever wondered why Chiropractic actually works? Its a secret that has been kept too long. B.J. Palmer was finally able to convince his father to share the wonder that is chiropractic only after a near-death scare, now its my turn to tell you why it works.

Monday, November 09, 2015

Daily Choices

Ultimately, increasing your consumption of fruits and vegetables is the best way to improve your overall health. The key is to make it part of your lifestyle.

Daily Choices

Ultimately, increasing your consumption of fruits and vegetables is the best way to improve your overall health. The key is to make it part of your lifestyle.

Teach Respect

​Children are great imitators. Show them respect and they'll become respectful.

Teach Respect

Children are great imitators. Show them respect and they'll become respectful.

Monday, November 02, 2015

Your Brain Needs Movement

​Did you know that 90% of the nutrition and stimulation for your brain comes from movement? Yet another reason that you should be fit and active.

Your Brain Needs Movement

Did you know that 90% of the nutrition and stimulation for your brain comes from movement? Yet another reason that you should be fit and active.

Correct The Cause

Others treat symptoms. We correct causes!

Correct The Cause

Others treat symptoms. We correct causes!

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Dr. J’s Health Tip of the Week:  One of the strongest selling points for eating organic food is the fact that doing so can significantly lower your exposure to pesticides and other harmful chemicals used in conventional agriculture.  Both the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics and a US Endocrine Society task force warn that pesticides pose a major threat to human health, and should be avoided by everyone.  Recent studies confirm that eating an organic diet can significantly reduce your toxic load.  A study published in the October issue of Environmental Health Perspectives showed that pesticides build up in the body.  The study included 20 children living in Oakland, California, and another 20 living in Salinas, California, a major agricultural community.  For the first four days, all of the children ate a conventional diet. The following seven days, they ate only organic food, followed by another five days of conventional food. As reported by The New York Times:  "About 72 percent of their urine samples, collected daily, contained evidence of pesticides. Among the six most frequently detected pesticides, two decreased by nearly 50 percent when children were on the organic diet, and those of a common herbicide fell by 25 percent. Three other frequently detected pesticides were not significantly lower on the organic diet. Levels were generally higher in the Salinas children than in the Oakland children." Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's best-selling herbicide Roundup, is one of the most commonly used herbicides in the world, both on conventional and genetically engineered plants. An estimated one billion pounds a year is sprayed on our food crops, resulting in the average American eating several hundred pounds of glyphosate-contaminated food every year.  Last year, the World Health Organization classified Glyphosate as a class 2 probable carcinogen (causes cancer).  The general rule of thumb is to buy organic produce always.  Safer, healthier.  It’s the way to go.  If you cannot always purchase organic produce, here is a list of the foods that have the most pesticides in them and should be avoided (especially children) due to the toxicity.  Always eat the organic versions of these fruits and veggies.  Peaches, strawberries, sweet bell peppers, tangerines, cranberries carrots, green beans, hot peppers, nectarines, sweet potatoes.  Thanks to Dr. Mercola for the information to be passed on to you!
Thought for the Week:  It's bizarre that the produce manager is more important to my children's health than the pediatrician. ~Meryl Streep
Chiropractic Thought for the Week:  The “original” definition of chiropractic:  “A philosophy, science and art of things natural; a system of adjusting the segments of the spinal column for the correction of the cause of dis-ease.”  Dis-ease is a chiropractic term that differs from the medical term of disease (meaning illness or condition). Dis-ease means the absence of ease, the lacking of something, the incoordination of the transmission, flow, adaption and soundness of the body caused by disrupted nerve flow.  Chiropractors restore ease to the body by adjusting spinal segments and restoring interrupted nerve impulse flow to the body. The chiropractor helps the body to be healthier by allowing the body to function as nature intended, with the proper functioning and flow of the nervous system.  That is what the chiropractor can offer to your individual health care program.

My name is Dr. J. Zimmerman and I am a chiropractor.  I have been in practice for 27 years.  My chiropractic practice uses many different chiropractic techniques to improve bodily function and restore health. My chiropractic office is located in Galloway Township (the Smithville section) of Atlantic County, NJ.  You can contact me for more chiropractic information at Health First Chiropractic Clinics,  609-652-6363