Dr. J's Health Tip
Tips to enhance healthy living for the wellness generation. Dr. J shares short and informative health information that may add years to your life and life to your years.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Don't Wait Until January
Don't Wait Until January
Don't wait until the new year to start on your health resolutions. December is a great time to get to the gym. The crowds are small, and the exercise will help you reduce cravings for sweets.Amplifeied
7 Health Problems Improved By Sleep
7 Health Problems Improved By Sleep
What if the cure for what ails you was as simple as going to sleep? We spend a lot of time talking about how dangerous it is to skimp on that good quality shut-eye. Sometimes we ignore the flip side of that equation: Sleep can work wonders. No, it won't cure cancer or save you from a heart attack (although it might help ). But getting enough sleep may be just what you need to turn the corner when it comes to a number of health concerns. Check out a few problems sleep can improve...Read MoreAmplifeied
Friday, November 29, 2013
Be kind to your body. Drink lots of water...
Be kind to your body. Drink lots of water...
Be kind to your body. Drink lots of water today! http://t.co/X3GTjoCJuJAmplifeied
Chiropractic is Affordable HEALTHCARE
Chiropractic is Affordable HEALTHCARE
Take Charge of Your Health... AND You will get to decide where the road will take you...Amplifeied
Use Your Words: How to Reduce Stress by...
Use Your Words: How to Reduce Stress by...
By Jan Bruce The words you use to describe the holiday define your experience of the holiday. It's true. If you say to yourself, "Oh no, here come the holidays with their stress and exhaustion and pseudo-nostalgic crap," well, that's exactly what you'll expect -- and experience. And while you may very well feel that way, choosing the words and thoughts with which you interface with the stress of this season can make a difference. It's like we say at meQuilibrium : Stress isn't...Read MoreAmplifeied
7 Health Problems Improved By Sleep
7 Health Problems Improved By Sleep
What if the cure for what ails you was as simple as going to sleep? We spend a lot of time talking about how dangerous it is to skimp on that good quality shut-eye. Sometimes we ignore the flip side of that equation: Sleep can work wonders. No, it won't cure cancer or save you from a heart attack (although it might help ). But getting enough sleep may be just what you need to turn the corner when it comes to a number of health concerns. Check out a few problems sleep can improve...Read MoreAmplifeied
Up Your Fiber Intake
There are so many benefits of eating high fiber foods. Try adding some of these to your diet.
Up Your Fiber Intake
There are so many benefits of eating high fiber foods. Try adding some of these to your diet.Amplifeied
Chiropractic is Affordable HEALTHCARE
Chiropractic is Affordable HEALTHCARE
Take Charge of Your Health... AND You will get to decide where the road will take you...Amplifeied
How to Incorporate Gratitude for Greater Success
How to Incorporate Gratitude for Greater Success
A few years ago when I was an environmental engineer, I received a card in the mail that made my week... no, actually made my month... maybe my year. I had been working on a number of large projects with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and finally had an opportunity to meet the district's commanding officer. He had his pulse on all of the projects and had heard great things about my and my company's performance. We also chatted and discovered he was from a nearby state and we shared a...Read MoreAmplifeied
Chiropractic is Affordable HEALTHCARE
Chiropractic is Affordable HEALTHCARE
Take Charge of Your Health... AND You will get to decide where the road will take you...Amplifeied
It's An Inside Job
It's An Inside Job
If you lost your keys somewhere in your house, would you go outside to look for them? Of course not! It's the same with your Health. Unlock the power within you to amplify your Health. Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments are the key to unlocking this power within you. Aspire to a higher level of Health. Discover Chiropractic!Amplifeied
Drink Up Today!
Be kind to your body. Drink lots of water today!
Drink Up Today!
Be kind to your body. Drink lots of water today!Amplifeied
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Drink Up Today!
Be kind to your body. Drink lots of water today!
Drink Up Today!
Be kind to your body. Drink lots of water today!Amplifeied
Chiropractic is Affordable HEALTHCARE
Chiropractic is Affordable HEALTHCARE
Take Charge of Your Health... AND You will get to decide where the road will take you...Amplifeied
How to Incorporate Gratitude for Greater Success
How to Incorporate Gratitude for Greater Success
A few years ago when I was an environmental engineer, I received a card in the mail that made my week... no, actually made my month... maybe my year. I had been working on a number of large projects with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and finally had an opportunity to meet the district's commanding officer. He had his pulse on all of the projects and had heard great things about my and my company's performance. We also chatted and discovered he was from a nearby state and we shared a...Read MoreAmplifeied
Thankful for Food: The Great Connector
Thankful for Food: The Great Connector
What if there was one simple act that could cultivate more happiness, peace, success, health, and love in your life? There is! Cicero said, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others." The gratitude holiday, Thanksgiving, stems from the tradition of holding harvest festivals to give thanks for the bounty and celebrate all the hard work with the community. While the vast majority of us are not involved in the harvest anymore, we cultivate...Read MoreAmplifeied
Chiropractic treatments can be a life changing alternative to an otherwise dim outlook. Help share the messages of Chiropractic today!
It's An Inside Job
It's An Inside Job
If you lost your keys somewhere in your house, would you go outside to look for them? Of course not! It's the same with your Health. Unlock the power within you to amplify your Health. Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments are the key to unlocking this power within you. Aspire to a higher level of Health. Discover Chiropractic!Amplifeied
Gobble Gobble
We are thankful for YOU! Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!
Gobble Gobble
We are thankful for YOU! Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!Amplifeied
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Lasting health begins at the level of the spine
Lasting health begins at the level of the spine
Lasting health begins at the level of your spine. #chiropractic #healthAmplifeied
Should You Eat Breakfast On Thanksgiving?
Should You Eat Breakfast On Thanksgiving?
By Rachael Rettner, Senior Writer Published: 11/27/2013 08:57 AM EST on LiveScience On Thanksgiving, people may forgo breakfast or lunch to save room for a feast in the evening. But this is not the best strategy to avoid packing on the pounds this holiday season, one nutritionist says. "It's a big mistake to fast before a big meal at a party, or at Thanksgiving dinner ," said Katherine Tallmadge, a registered dietitian and op-ed contributor to LiveScience. When people skip...Read MoreAmplifeied
Gobble Gobble
We are thankful for YOU! Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!
Gobble Gobble
We are thankful for YOU! Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!Amplifeied
Being Thankful for Mindfulness
Being Thankful for Mindfulness
Constant gratitude is a major key to happiness. One way it can be achieved is by coming to our senses -- literally. I think back to an incident during my days as a student. Like many students there was not enough money, even for food. I recall walking down an affluent street where the homes were well-appointed. It was springtime and the flowers were blooming. As a lover of beauty, I was seeing the flowers, and my inner dialogue went something like this: "Those people are so lucky. They...Read MoreAmplifeied
Obesity Linked With Hearing Loss
Obesity Linked With Hearing Loss
Obesity is associated with a higher risk for hearing loss, according to a new study in the American Journal of Medicine . On the other hand, greater levels of physical activity are associated with a lower risk for hearing loss, found researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital. "We often think of hearing loss as an inevitable part of the aging process, but these findings provide evidence that potentially modifiable risk factors , such as maintaining a healthy weight and staying...Read MoreAmplifeied
Avoid Thanksgiving Regret
Or do what I am going to do and just completely ignore this silly post!!
Avoid Thanksgiving Regret
Thanksgiving tip: Use your salad plate for dishes like stuffing and mashed potatoes, and fill your big plate with veggies.Amplifeied
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Act with Chiropractic for Affordable Care
Act with Chiropractic for Affordable Care
Several studies show significant cost savings with Chiropractic care! http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3176706/?tool=pmcentrez http://www.chiro.org/ChiroZine/ABSTRACTS/Clinical_Utilization_and_Cost_Outcomes.shtml http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22429823Amplifeied
Lifestyle as Medicine: At a Fork in the Road,...
Lifestyle as Medicine: At a Fork in the Road,...
Hippocrates recognized the power of lifestyle as medicine some 2,500 years ago, testimony to his wisdom and prescience. As president-elect of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine , I celebrate the possibility of finding our way back to a future informed by such insight. But for now, in the immediate aftermath of announcement and ongoing debate about just how many of us should take statins, let's consider what Big Pharma would have to do to compete on an even playing field...Read MoreAmplifeied
Health in the Time of Fast Food
Health in the Time of Fast Food
There was a time when I used to eat McDonald's. I ate a lot of it. It started small. My parents got it for me as a treat every week. Friday after school was my four-piece Chicken McNugget, fries, and Coke night. I would rush home, my Happy Meal buried under my arm, throw it all onto a plate (no need to make it fancy), and sit in the living room, just living it up with my good friend, fried food. I look upon those nights fondly. They were the days before the words "bad for you" entered...Read MoreAmplifeied
Monday, November 25, 2013
Lifestyle as Medicine: At a Fork in the Road,...
Lifestyle as Medicine: At a Fork in the Road,...
Hippocrates recognized the power of lifestyle as medicine some 2,500 years ago, testimony to his wisdom and prescience. As president-elect of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine , I celebrate the possibility of finding our way back to a future informed by such insight. But for now, in the immediate aftermath of announcement and ongoing debate about just how many of us should take statins, let's consider what Big Pharma would have to do to compete on an even playing field...Read MoreAmplifeied
Health in the Time of Fast Food
Health in the Time of Fast Food
There was a time when I used to eat McDonald's. I ate a lot of it. It started small. My parents got it for me as a treat every week. Friday after school was my four-piece Chicken McNugget, fries, and Coke night. I would rush home, my Happy Meal buried under my arm, throw it all onto a plate (no need to make it fancy), and sit in the living room, just living it up with my good friend, fried food. I look upon those nights fondly. They were the days before the words "bad for you" entered...Read MoreAmplifeied
Yet Another Reason to Have Regular Adjustments
Yet Another Reason to Have Regular Adjustments
Not only does a properly aligned spine allow the nervous system to function at its optimal level, it also improves our basic structural strength and integrity! When was the last time you were adjusted?Amplifeied
3 Steps to Outsmart Cravings, Part 2
3 Steps to Outsmart Cravings, Part 2
Missed Part 1? Read it here . Step 2: Recognize Mindless Excuses. I'm going to tell you the story of how I tackled step two, of recognizing my excuses. On one particular day I was experiencing a craving, and I started this familiar argument with myself. The argument started, "No, I can't give in. I've got to lose weight." Then I thought something sort of ridiculous. I thought: "You always give in. It's inevitable." Now I'm going to stop right here -- we all have these...Read MoreAmplifeied
Chiropractors are the Geek Squad of Health Care
Chiropractic care is the immunity boost that you need!
Chiropractors are the Geek Squad of Health Care
Chiropractors may be the 'geek squad' of the spine, but all that means is our #1 job is to keep everyone's main frame computer (the brain) able to communicate and run all the systems of the body through our circuitry, the nervous system. A highly functioning nervous system means a highly functioning immune system - able to defend itself from all invaders. Chiropractic care is the immunity boost that you need!Amplifeied
Quick Test To Check Your Posture
Are you out of alignment? Take this simple test to find out!
Quick Test To Check Your Posture
Are you out of alignment? Take this simple test to find out!Amplifeied
Intensive (Self) Care
Intensive (Self) Care
By Becky Karush for meQuilibrium The ranks of family caregivers are growing every year -- two out of every five adults are caring for a loved one who is sick or disabled, according to a recent report from the Pew Research Center . November is National Caregiver's Month, and it's an excellent time to take care of your own health so that you can tend to the people depending on you. Here are five ways to get started. Fill the well. Caring for others all day, every day, draws...Read MoreAmplifeied
Thankful for Good Health
Good health is a blessing and we have so much to be thankful for!
Thankful for Good Health
Good health is a blessing and we have so much to be thankful for!Amplifeied
Sunday, November 24, 2013
“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.” Spanish Proverb
“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.” Spanish ProverbAmplifeied
19 Signs You Need To Unplug From Your Smartphone
19 Signs You Need To Unplug From Your Smartphone
Are you attached to your digital devices? If the thought of being disconnected makes you sweat, you're not alone. Americans are spending more time than ever with their screens , logging an average of more than five hours per day. So how do you curb your addiction? Whether you're addicted to Facebook ("That status only got eight likes?!") or you can't stop scrolling during dinner ("Did you see Kim Kardashian's tweet?") there comes a time when you need to take a smartphone sabbatical. ...Read MoreAmplifeied
Water is essential.
Your body needs water to perform all of your daily functions.
Water is essential.
Your body needs water to perform all of your daily functions.Amplifeied
Can you hear me now?
Subluxations decrease function. Chiropractors adjust subluxations. Stay adjusted, function with full bars!
Can you hear me now?
Subluxations decrease function. Chiropractors adjust subluxations. Stay adjusted, function with full bars!Amplifeied
Learn more about Standard Process
Learn more about Standard Process
For more than 80 years, Standard Process, headquartered in Palmyra, Wis., has provided health care professionals with high-quality, nutritional whole food supplements. Standard Process offers more than 300 products through three product lines: Standard Process whole food supplements, Standard Process Veterinary Formulas, and MediHerb herbal supplements. The products are available only through health care professionals. Standard Process is involved in every step of production. The company grows crops on company-owned, organically certified farmland, utilizes state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, and employs the highest quality control standards. Standard Process strictly adheres to the Food and Drug Administration's good...Read MoreAmplifeied
News Flash: Review Finds Diet Soda to be Health...
News Flash: Review Finds Diet Soda to be Health...
Research is now very clear that we need to be mindful of how much fake sugar we are consuming.Amplifeied
Water is essential.
Your body needs water to perform all of your daily functions.
Water is essential.
Your body needs water to perform all of your daily functions.Amplifeied
“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.” Spanish Proverb
“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.” Spanish ProverbAmplifeied