Americans, on average consume about 150 pounds of sugar each year. This amounts close to 600 calories a day or almost 3 pounds of body weight per week. Excess sugar consumption supresses the immune system, upsets the body's mineral balance, causes hyperactivity, anxiety, heart disease, depression and weight gain. Because of the negative effect on the hormonal system in the body, the American Dietetic and Diabetic Associations agree that sugar consumption is the third leading cause of degenerative diseases, including diabetes, in America. As little as two teaspoons of sugar changes the blood chemistry in the body, so that the body is completely out of balance. Many people have reported to me that when they drastically cut back or eliminate sugar from their diet, weight loss was very easy to obtain. Also, energy levels and a higher sense of well being returned to their lives. Sugar is added to many foods and has many different names. Corn sweetener, dextrose, fructose, glucose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, sorbitol and sucrose are names you should be aware of and on the lookout for when reading the ingredient list on groceries.
Thought for the Week: "In the face of uncertainty, there is nothing wrong with hope." ---- D. Carl Simonton, MD
Chiropractic Thought for the Week: You can drive your car with the emergency brake on and you may not even notice, but take the brake off and the car will imediately appear to have more "energy." The same is with subluxated, misaligned vertebra. Man, woman and child can walk around with spinal subluxations and not even notice, but once the spine is adjusted and the subluxations are corrected, the body works better and can be healthier.