Oh, My Aching Prostate
The Prostate Gland is part of the male reproductive system, it is the size of a walnut and sits behind the bladder. An inflammed or enlarged prostate can cause discomfort, sort of like sitting on a tennis ball and can give the sensation of having to urinate. This condition is called prostatitis. Once a male turns 45, he is likely to join the 50% of the male population that suffers from this condition. The most recent theory for benign prostate enlargement is a hormonal imbalance. Yes, men can get them too! Keeping the prostate healthy with proper nutrients and nerve flow is extremely important. A diet high in fiber helps to regulate hormone levels. Tomatoes contain Lycopene which can protect the prostate from harm. Pumpkin seeds are full of Zinc which is necessary for prostate function. Omega 3 fatty acids from fish and flax seed help with inflammation. Saw Palmetto is an herb that regulates the male hormones and fights inflammation. Spinal adjustments improve nerve flow to the prostate. And one last thing, medical research has shown that using the prostate gland on a frequent basis two to three times a week helps it to remain healthy and may prevent cancer.
Thought for the Week: " If one of you uses chiropractic properly and takes responsibility for your own health and starts eating properly and starts getting adjustments, not for pain, not from the manisfestations of symptoms, but because, "Doc, I want to know if I have maximum life coming from my brain to my body, please let me know and if not please fix it." If you can get that message and share it with other people, the quality of life is going to go up considerbly in this country." --- Jim Sigafoose, DC