Is Golf Healthy?
Are Golfers healthy? In the old days, golf was a very good form of exercise. The average golfer walked the entire 18 hole course which is very good exercise. Today, due to time constraints on the course, golfers are forced to use an electric cart. Interestingly enough, Golfers Digest published a survey, where they found that two-thirds of golfers were overweight. In addition, it was found that three out of ten golfers were not able to finish a round of golf due to pain, injury or illness. Nineteen percent never exercise in the gym, more than half are on a prescription drug and seventy-five percent drink alcoholic beverages. That being said, Golf does have its healthy benefits. Participating in an outdoor sport, away from the hassles of work and other stresses, produces a "mental calm." Unless, you get aggravated by your score, which might than cause a heart attack! As famous golf philosopher, Ty Webb once said, "Be the Ball Danny, Be the Ball."
Thought for the Week: "It is better to light one candle, than it is to curse the darkness."------BJ Palmer, DC A quote from his discussion concerning the education of people on chiropractic care. It is better if one person gets the idea as oppossed to complaining that none understand.
Chiropractic Thought for the Week: "Chiropractic as a natural, alternative to dangerous drugs and surgery, has the opportunity to move to the forefront as tomorrows premier health care provider." ----Sid E. Williams, DC