Bananas...Not Just For Monkeys
I have written many times on how bananas are the wonder food. High in B vitamins, Iron, potassium, iron and fiber, bananas are the perfect energy source with a balanced amount of all three natural sugars. Bananas are also a medicinal food, used as a natural adjunct in the treatment of many diseases. Bananas have been very useful in treating stomach disorders such as ulcers. Bananas neutralize stomach acid and coat the stomach lining. They also act as an antacid, soothing heartburn. The New England Medical Journal says that eating bananas on a regular basis can cut the risk of stroke by 40%. Concerning a simple, common malady, rub the inside of a banana skin on a mosquito bite. The banana reduces swelling and irritation.
Thought for the Week: "To take in a new idea, you must destroy the old, let go of old opinions, to observe and conceive new thoughts. To learn is but to change your opinion."---BJ Palmer, DC
For those of you who are still stuck in the "Chiropractic is only good for back and neck pain model": Here is a great analogy.
Statement: "Chiropractors can not help the body with disease or organ function."
Reply:----- I understand why you might think that, I hope this example might help you to fully understand the effect of the spinal adjustment on function and health. I will use the heart as an example, but you can substitute any other organ or system in the body.
"There is a nerve from the brain to the heart, which tells the heart what to do. If you take a knife and cut that nerve what happens?" "Well, you die." "OK. If, instead of cutting that nerve, you twist it and squish it, would your heart be healthy or sick?" "It would get sick." "If there was a way to take that squished nerve, and un-squish it, would the heart stay sick, or would it get well?" "Would your internal organs function better with a bad nerve supply, or a good one?" Chiropractors are doctors of the nervous system, improving nerve flow, function, performance and health.