Pain in the Neck
Neck pain, naturally, is caused by subtle shifts in the alignment of the cervical vertebra. These misaligned, subluxated neck bones will stress muscles, fixate joints and irritate nerves. The big question is, what can cause the neck bones to subluxate? Here is a list of some of the more common activities that are a "pain in the neck." 1. Lying on your stomach with your head turned to one side. 2. Lying on your back with your head propped up too much. 3. Holding the telephone between your neck and shoulder. 4. Propping your chin up with your hands too long. 5. Holding a heavy shoulder bag on the same shoulder for long periods. 6. Doing work that requires you to look up, like painting a ceiling. 7. Wearing high heeled shoes. The good news is that a chiropractic adjustment can help to re-align the vertebra. (But it can't stop you from hurting yourself again, only you can do that!)