
Thursday, March 31, 2005


Fiber, found in many foods, is usually the indigestible portion of food. What's so good about something that is indigestible? Fiber cleanses. As waste is eliminated, fiber drags along all the junk that accumulates in the intestines. This action is very beneficial to a healthy colon. In addition, fiber can help to stabilize blood sugar levels and help to lower cholesterol. The national diet of the average American is largely lacking in fiber. The refining of many foods has removed the natural fiber covering. There are six main forms of fiber. Here we go: 1. Gums. Gum regulates blood sugar and are found in oatmeal, beans and seeds. Not Juicy Fruit or Bubble Yum. 2. Pectin. Pectin is fruit fiber. 3. Cellulose. Cellulose is the non-digestible part of vegetables and some fruits like apples. 4. Hemicellulose is the fiber found in lettuce and other leafy vegetables. This type of fiber is very good for weight loss. 5. Bran is the most popular fiber and is frequently added to many baked foods and cereals. Bran is known for its legendary prowess in helping to have a bowel movement. 6. Lignin is the fiber that helps to prevent gallstones and lower cholesterol. Lignin is found in whole grains, nuts and potatoes.


The word Asthma comes from the Greek word that means to breathe hard. When exposed to an allergen, the bronchi in the lungs release chemicals that cause the bronchi walls to swell and fill the airways with mucous. This action makes breathing very difficult. The most common symptom is a wheezing sensation when breathing. Most asthma is caused by allergic reactions. Doctor's aren't sure what the cause of non-allergic asthma is. Asthma is classified as an auto-immune disease, meaning the body attacks itself.
Asthma attacks are treated by medicated inhalers which open up the airways so that a person can breathe again. Severe cases of asthma are prescribed corticosteroids, drugs that reduce airway inflammation. While not a treatment for asthma and especially asthma attacks, chiropractic care has been shown to offer a benefit to asthma sufferers. Fixations and subluxations in the upper back have been shown to restrict breathing and interfere with nerve impulses to the lungs. Decreased nerve flow can effect lung function and performance. Spinal adjustments free up the spinal bones helping to make breathing easier. Also, the increased nerve flow from the adjustment helps the lungs to work better. At any rate, asthma is nothing to sneeze about and any abnormal breathing symptoms requires a visit to your doctor.

Vitamin C for what ails you

Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant. This means that Vitamin C is not stored in the body and it plays an important part in fighting bodily cell damage. Vitamin C helps the body to fight colds, protects against infection and enhances immune function. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, like oranges and is also in vegetables like asparagus and broccoli. When taking vitamin C supplements, 500mg to 1000mg a day for healthy adults is a good daily dose. When fighting a cold, take 500mg to 1000mg every 3 hours during the day. Too much vitamin C will cause runny bowels. If that is the case, just back down a little and everything will be ok.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Chicken Soup for the....Cold!

Chicken soup has always been a great remedy for helping the body overcome a cold or flu. Research has shown that the broth from the chicken, combined with the vegetables, helps the body produce antibodies to fight germs. In addition, hot soup soothes the nasal passages and warms the belly, helping you to feel better as you are eating it. Take a big stock put, put in a whole chicken. Next start chopping vegetables. I'll use whatever is in the bin, usually peppers, mushrooms, onions, carrots, lots of garlic, celery, yellow squash and even thin sliced eggplant. Once all the vegetables are in, fill the pot up with water and season to taste. A little salt, more garlic, oregano, parsley, black pepper and any other seasonings you like are a good choice. Turn the heat on and bring to a slow boil, turn the heat back a little and let her cook. I like to cook the soup for an hour or so, grab the whole chicken with tongs and lift it out of the pot. Once the chicken is out, I pick the meat off the bone, rinsing with cold water. Then I put all the meat back into the pot, letting it continue to cook until all the vegetables and meat are really, really tender. If you want to add brown rice or potatoes during the last hour you can. I prefer mine without. Eat as much as you can and I am sure your body will fight the cold a lot faster.

Naturally, along with your spinal adjustment!!!