This weeks Health Tip will start with a question and end with an answer. If a person develops nausea, abdominal cramping, diarhea, vomiting and chills due to eating tainted food, should you call that person sick or should you call that person healthy? Salmonella is one of many bacteria that, when present in food, can cause food poisoning. The Center of Disease Control reports that there are an estimated 1.4 million reported cases of salmonella based food poisoning each year in the United States. The salmonella bacteria, when taken in the human body, causes the lining of the stomach and the intestines to swell. Resulting symptoms include nausea, fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea and muscle aches. Salmonella infection rarely causes death, though the CDC states that there are an estimated 1000 deaths per year due to salmonella poisoning. Statistically a low number, these deaths primarily occur in the very young, elderly, or people who are compromised with disease or with weakened immune systems. One of the main complications of salmonella poisoning that leads to death is dehydration due to the excessive vomiting, diarrhea and fever. The body becomes rapidly depleted of fluids, which puts an enormous strain on the heart. When food poisoning is evident, it is extremely important to remain hydrated by taking in fluids on a regular basis. If fluids can not be kept down, intra-venous (IV) fluid intake is the next step. To avoid salmonella poisoning, cook all animal products thoroughly, as salmonella can live in raw meat, poultry and eggs. Heat kills the salmonella bacteria. Also, clean all cooking preparation surfaces and utensils thoroughly (hands too), as the bacteria is easily passed from meat to surfaces. To answer the question at the top of the paragraph, a person who is vomiting with chills, fever and diarrhea due to eating tainted, poisoned food, is actually healthy, not sick. A healthy body responds to food bacteria by trying to rid the body of the bacteria in anyway possible. Unfortunately, as this cleansing process is happening, knowing you are healthy is the last thing on your mind.
Thought for the Week: "The patient must be guided toward discovering the healing powers that lie within him. Faith in pills and external treatments can be replaced with faith in oneself." --- Dennis Jaffe. Ph.D
Chiropractic Thought for the Week: "Health is a condition in which all body functions are carried on normally, meeting all body demands for adaptation to the environment." --------- Galen Price, D.C.