Allergic reactions are the body's response to normally non toxic material. They recognize the offending culprit, which could be food, grass, mold or animal dander, as a threat. No one is really sure why some people react adversely to normal substances. In some instances, the allergy may be genetic, or it can be a weakness in the individual's immune system. In either case, the body's response is to attack the threat. It does this by releasing histamines, which can cause respiratory problems, mucous production, headaches, sinus trouble, runny eyes and or skin rashes. These reactions, while annoying, are the body's way of ridding itself of the toxin or what we call an allergen. It is the normal healthy response of the body to a perceived health threat. Another main cause of allergies is an over production of mucous. Mucous, a thick, gooey substance, traps and holds allergens in the body causing the body to have a continual allergy attack. The most effective way to combat allergies are to toughen up the immune system and to eliminate as much mucous as possible in the body. Foods that cause or contribute to mucous, should be eliminated. Foods like dairy, eggs, fried and processed food and chocolate. Build up the immune system with adequate rest, plenty of exercise, proper nutrition and a properly functioning nervous system. Also, you may want to look into a HEPA air filter for the house to help trap airborne allergens.
Thought for the Week: "The harmony of natural law reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection." ---- Albert Einstein
Chiropractic Thought for the Week: "Universal Intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it all it's properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence. The expression of intelligence through matter is the chiropractic meaning of life." --- BJ Palmer, D.C.
Deep Thoughts for the week. Einstein and Palmer (Palmer first , early 1900's), state that there is a superior intelligence in nature that is responsible for life and living. Palmer goes on to say that the expression of this intelligence is the chiropractic meaning of life. The meaning, is that in the body, intelligence expresses itself through matter, i.e. the brain's impulses through the spinal cord and nerves is life and the expression of health. ---- Dr. J.Z.