You Eat, Therefore You Think
We know the old saying you are what you eat. In context, the food we take into our body determines the physical health of our body. But did you know that the food we take into our body also determines our emotions and moods? Emotional and mood activity are the direct result of biochemical processes that occur in the brain. Emotional brain activity is directly related to nutrients that are used for proper brain function. Man-made, chemically filled, processed food dismantles nutrients needed for the brain to properly do its job. That is why the consumption of junk food, artificially colored and preservative filled food can send an adult into a mood swing and cause a child to not be able to focus properly. The safest thing to do for the health of your body and your brain is to avoid processed food and fill your diet with natural, organic and fresh foods. As the almost 100 year old Jack Lalane says, " If man makes it, don't eat it."
Thought for the Week: "People are not resistant to new ideas as long as the new ideas fit into their old way of thinking." -- Reggie Gold, D.C.
Chiropractic Tip of the Week: "A couple of termites don't do much damage, but over the years they multiple and destroy the house. Subluxations are like termites, the time to correct them is as soon as they occur." -----Reggie Gold, DC
Chiropractic care corrects subluxations.