
Sunday, March 04, 2007

Olive Oil for Stomach Helth

If you suffer from gastritis attacks or peptic ulcers, recent research has come out with some exciting news. There is an evil bacteria that can exist in the stomach lining. This bacteria is know as H. Pylori. H. Pylori build-up leads to stomach ulcers and gastritis attacks. Laboratory studies have shown that Cold Pressed, Extra Virgin Olive Oil has antibacterial components that attacked eight different strains of H. Pylori. Olive oil's chemical make-up was strong enough to survive the acidic environment of the stomach. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is one of the healthiest oils that we consume. It is extremely high in Omega 9 fatty acids. All other cooking (vegetable) oils are high in Omega 6 fatty acids, which when consumed in excess have a negative effect on health. Most store bought boxed and canned foods are made with Omega 6 vegetable oils. One last note, while Extra Virgin Olive Oil is extremely healthy, it is not a cooking oil. At high temperatures the oil denatures and is not good for you any longer. Use Olive oil as an added ingredient. Pour it over salad or onto your food once it has been cooked.
Thought for the Week: "Genius is not a secret of a few. It is buried in us all." ---- BJ Palmer, D.C.
Chiropractic Thought for the Week: "If you place a rubberband snugly around your finger, when would be the intelligent time to take it off? Waiting for gangrene or blood poisoning to occur would be foolish. If you have vertebra out of alignment in the spine, pinching a nerve, when would be the intelligent time to take the pressure off? Waiting for pain, or your body to become sick would be foolish. Chiropractic's greatest virtue is preventative." ------ Reggie Gold, D.C
Did You Know? In the early 1900's, developer of Chiropractic, Dr. BJ Palmer owned and operated the 1st and only radio station west of the Missisippi River. His radio station broadcast to four states. It was called WOC, Wonders of Chiropractic. His DJ, was Ronald Reagan.