
Sunday, January 21, 2007


Asthma is health condition that disrupts lung function and makes it extremely difficult to breath. Asthma cases in the United States have increased by 1/3 over the last ten years with the majority of cases being children. Possible causes of this lung weakness include allergies, environmental pollution, diet, stress and childhood vacinations. The most common symptoms in asthma are difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, coughing, loss of sleep, mucus flow, wheezing and increased heart rate.. Attacks are usually brought on by allergies, cold air, pollutants and heavy exercise. The biggest help for an asthmatic is to make dietary changes. Eat plenty of dark leafy green vegetables and deep yellow / orange vegetables. The brighter the colors the higher the anti-oxidant value. Fish eaten more than once a week seems to help prevent asthma attacks. That is why fish oil supplementation is very important. An 8oz glass of water every three hours cleanses the respiratory system and is also particularly good after an attack as the water breaks up the mucus. It is important not to eat dairy products, foods with artificial colors, dyes and preservatives like MSG. These food additives encourage asthma attacks. It is also important not to eat frozen or very cold foods. The cold causes muscles in the airways to tighten up. Supplement the diet with fish or flaxseed oil (anti-inflammatory propeties), magnesium (relaxes bronchial tubes, helps lung function) and vitamin C (lessons spasms and fights allergies). Chiropractic treatment will loosen back muscles and will help relax bronchial muscles as well as improve nerve flow to the lungs. Cranio-sacral work helps in children. Acupuncture, massage and osteopathy have also been shown to be helpful. Deep breathing exercises should be performed daily. High EnergyParticulate Air (HEPA) Filters should be placed in the home to filter out allergens in the air.
Thought for the Week: "There are no incurable diseases, only incurable people."-------Bernie Siegel, M.D.
Chiropractic Thought for the Week: "The brain and the spinal cord do not run the body. A corpse has a brain and a spinal cord. It is the living nerve impulse, the life force if you will, that makes the difference between the living and the deceased." ---Reggie Gold, D.C.


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