
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Living to 100

Do you want to live to 100 years old? You won't be to happy about what it takes to get there. A recent showing of the television science show Nova presented facts on how to live to 100 years old. The most important health tip that they could give was calorie restriction. Researchers found that by cutting the food intake of any living organism 30-40%, you could extend it's life by up to 60%. Researchers have found the key to long life is lowered insulin levels. Insulin, a hormone that lowers blood sugar, is secreted into the bloodstream when carbohydrates ( sugars) are present. Eating foods or a diet based on the glycemic index helps keep insulin levels at a lower and steady level. The glycemic index is a rating of how foods effect blood sugar levels. Usually, the sweeter or starchier the food, the more insulin is needed to lower the blood sugar level. Foods like brown rice, sweet potatoes, apples and other forms of whole grains and low carbohydrate food causes glucose to be secreted into the blood slowly, thus needing less insulin to do the job of lowering blood sugar. Foods like sugar, white pastas, white rice and white potatoes break down into glucose more quickly and require a quicker insulin response. So it seems to live longer, one must carefully control how sugar and insulin react in the body. On a side note, eating a low glycemic index diet is actually very good for you and the easiest, long term way to lose weight and not be hungry. Google glycemic index for more info.

Thought for the Week:
"The best immune system is in the body, not in the pharmacy."------Clarence Gonstead, D.C.
Chiropractic Tip of the Week: " A chiropractic adjustment always brings about positive changes. The mistake comes when we pretend to know what those changes will be."------Reggie Gold, D.C.


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