
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Sugar Bad

75 years ago, a German Scientist / Doctor won the noble prize for discovering sugar feeds and encourages cancer growth. On November 8th, 2006, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published an eight year, 80,000 person study of dietary habits and pancreatic cancer. The study found that those who added sugar to their food or drink (5xper day) and or drank soft drinks (2xper day) had a 70-90% greater risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic Cancer is the most deadly form of cancer. Once diagnosed, a patient typically has 3 or so months to live, maybe less. The pancreas is the organ in the body that is used to secrete insulin to lower blood sugar levels. The link to pancreatic cancer is the increased levels of insulin to lower the blood sugar. Two other risk factors for developing pancreatic cancer are being overweight and inactive. The number one source of calories in the United States is High Fructose Corn Syrup. Corn Syrup causes a huge increase in pancreatic activity due to the high amount of insulin needed to lower the sugar level in the blood. It is extremely important to avoid sugar consumption, drinking soft drinks and any food that contains Corn Syrup.

Thought for the Week: "Duty cannot exist without faith."-------Benjamin Disraeli

Chiropractic Tip of the Week: Chiropractic care relates to every level of human performance because every level of human performance is controlled by body chemistry. The chemicals that control the body are produced by organs and glands. Organs and glands are controlled by the nervous system. Subluxated vertebra cause nerve disruption and irritations, causing the organs and glands not to function properly. When the organs do not function properly, body chemistry is thrown into a chemical imbalance decreasing human performance. Chiropractic care corrects subluxated vertebra, removing nerve disruptions, improving organ function and restoring chemical balance in the body, thus improving human performance in every man, women and child. Really.


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