
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Honey, I Love You

Honey is the by product of bee poop. Not really, but now that I have your attention, bees manufacture honey by mixing the nectar from flowers with bee enzymes (which I guess you could consider bee poop!). Honey is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. 35% of honey is protein and half of all the amino acids are contained in honey. High in carbohydrates due to the concentrated sugars, honey is also full of the B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, D and E. Honey is a great energy boost. The B vitamins and the sugar content make a quick pick-me-up. Medicinally, honey has been used to heal wounds. Recent research has found honey to be extremely effective in healing hard to heal wounds such as the kind that occur in people with poor circulation like diabetics and burn patients. The best kind of honey to purchase is organic, unfiltered, unprocessed, raw honey. Raw honey looks nothing like regular store bought honey, which makes me question the nutritional and healing capabilities of "normal" jarred honey. One thing to remember is never give honey to an infant 1 year and under. Honey can contain a bacteria that can cause botulism. This only occurs in infants and does not present a risk for adults or bigger kids.

Thought for the Week:
Over 25,000 prescription drugs exist on the market today. 200,000 over-the-counter medications are available. The average American family has 29 drugs in their home. Just say no.

Chiropractic Thought for the Week:
"Chiropractic care allows proper nerve flow to all of the systems of the human body. Thus, chiropractic's main selling point is its ability to influence function and performance. A body that functions better and performs better is a healthier body." ------ William Rudnick, J.D.


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