
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Avoiding Junk is Easy!

I am often told that living a healthy, nutritious life, the kind that prevents disease, while building health is extremely difficult in today's society. I disagree and also agree at the same time. Eating healthy and nutritiously is relatively easy, but today's society makes it difficult by mass marketing and advertising "simpler", "easy to make", "non-nutritious", "chemical laden", processed foods. It is easy to grab pre-made food. It is easy to throw something in a microwave oven and eat it in 10 minutes. It is easy to stop at a fast food restaurant. It is easy not to read labels and to not really know what you are eating. The bottom line is, if you want easy, you will pay the price. The lack of nutrition will decrease immune system function and eventually you will get sick or have a disease process start in your body. The build-up in the body of chemicals and preservatives from processed food, overtime, can lead to cancer, auto-immune diseases and may even effect the body's genetic structure which can then be passed on to future off-spring. That being said, it is easy to eat nutritiously. It's all about changing food choices. No time, need to grab a quick bite? Skip the Mickey Dees and try a Wawa. Grab some fruit, a yogurt or a salad. You can even have them make you a healthier sandwich. Possibly, the worst offenders for poor nutrition are the snack foods and the sweets. Not only do the snack foods contain chemicals, artificial colors and preservatives, they are also empty calories contributing to weight gain (which, by itself, leads to many diseases). Instead, eat fruit. Keep cut raw vegetables in the fridge. If you still need a "junky" snack fix, buy it at the healthfood store or in the health aisle of the supermarket. For every junky snack, there is the same type of snack made without chemicals and preservatives and loaded with organic, healthy ingredients available at the health food store. Even tastes better. Read your labels. When you see a bunch of words that are not familiar, the odds are you have a food full of chemicals. Real food, the kind not processed by man, the kind that keeps you healthy, the kind that keeps your brain working and gives you energy to live, does not contain man-made chemicals.

Thought for the Week:
"Every time you are exposed to a loud noise, your auditory nerves are damaged; a lifetime of noises can add up to permanent hearing loss." ---- James Balch, M.D, Mark Stengler, M.D.

Chiropractic Thought for the Week:
"Each patient carries his own doctor inside him. They come to us not knowing that truth. We are at our best when we give the doctor who resides within each patient a chance to work." ----- Dr. Albert Schweitzer

"Chiropractic care does not treat disease nor does it put chemicals into the body, what chiropractic does do is allow the inner healer inside the body to work the way nature intended it, free of nerve interference." ---- Dr. J.Z


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