
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Kiss any Frogs Lately?

Kiss any frogs lately? Warts are a bumpy mass of overgrown skin that usually show up on the fingers and feet. Warts are caused by viruses and are easily spread from one bodypart to another and even one person to another. A lot of talk lately has centered around the term HPV and the vaccine that was developed to prevent HPV. Did you know HPV, Human Papilloma Virus is the name of the virus for warts. HPV is warts. HPV is numbered to designate the type of wart. For instance, HPV 2 and HPV 4 are the common wart. Other warts with HPV designation are Plantar Warts, Plane Warts and Venereal Warts. Most warts will die off on their own overtime, but if not, treatment can be as simple as putting an acid type compound on the wart and disolving it. Or freeze therapy. The wart is frozen and scraped off. Plantar warts are more difficult because they are deeper. These usually require surgery. Venereal Warts need the care of a medical doctor. My research did not find any info on whether or not kissing a frog would result in warts. I would suggest a virus free frog.
Thought for the Week: " I hold that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." -----Thomas Jefferson
Chiropractic Thought for the Week: " Chiropractic cures nothing. What chiropractic does, is provide the best opportunity for the body to heal, to function better day-to-day, to prevent bad things from happening, and to maximize the expression of your potential." -----Don Harte, DC
Video of the Week: You want a great laugh at the expense of our drug taking society, type in this URL address on your computer: