
Wednesday, December 04, 2013

So Many Falls!

Trauma from “minor” falls add up and can cause spinal misalignment.

So Many Falls!

Kids are rough and tumble! Chiropractic care is vital during childhood. Childhood Milestones: When baby begins to crawl, the natural curve of the neck is developed. The curve of the low back is developed as the child begins to sit, stand, and walk. Spinal checks at these 4 milestones will determine that these important curves are developing correctly. Correcting subluxations will develop better spinal curves, improving posture throughout the growth process. Falls: Falls are an inevitable part of the above mentioned milestones. In addition, the natural playful and active manner of children leads to falls from bicycles, skateboards, swings, see saws, monkey bars and the like. Trauma from “minor” falls add up and can cause...Read More


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